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Psychooncology Project


Quality of Life and Posttraumatic Growth in Patients with Colorectal Cancer


This study focuses on identifying the long term course of Quality of Life and Posttraumatic Growth in men and women with colorectal cancer. Surviving cancer can be disruptive and distressing, but many individuals also find benefits and perceive personal growth as a result of coping with cancer.


The term posttraumatic growth (PTG) refers to the positive psychological changes experienced as the result of the struggle with highly challenging life circumstances, such as cancer. Appreciation for life, more meaningful relationships, increased personal strength, identification of new possibilities and spiritual growth are the examples of PTG.


As the impact of disease is individualized and change over time, this study employs a 5-wave longitudinal design over a 2-year period to examine intrapersonal changes in quality of life and PTG.


Long-Term Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Taiwanese Population – A Longitudinal Study


This study followed Taiwanese adults from the level 3 alert of the COVID-19 pandemic to two years later, examining changes in COVID-related anxiety, depression, loneliness, coping strategies, and post-traumatic growth.


Stress Management Intervention for Breast Cancer Patients



This research focuses on the early postoperative period for breast cancer patients, implementing a stress adjustment group intervention program. The goal is to enhance stress management during the treatment phase, increase awareness of one's bodily reactions and negative thoughts, teach effective coping techniques, and improve social support. The study is designed as a randomized controlled trial.

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