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  1. Wang, A. W-T., Chang, C-S., Chen, S-T., Chen, D-R., & Hsu, W-Y. The Double-Edged Sword of Reflective Pondering: The Role of State and Trait Reflective Pondering in Predicting Depressive Symptoms Among Women With Breast Cancer.

  2. Darabos. K., Renna. M. E., Wang, A. W. T., Zimmermann. C. F., & Hoyt. M. A. (2020).Emotional Approach Coping among Young Adults with Cancer: Relationships with Psychological Distress, Posttraumatic Growth, and Resilience. Psycho-Oncology, 30(5),728-735.

  3. Hoyt, M.A., Wang, A.W., Ryan, S.J., Cheavens, J.S., Breen, E.C., & Nelson, C.J. (in press). Goal-focused emotion-regulation therapy (GET): A biobehavioral intervention for young adult survivors of testicular cancer protocol. BMC Trials.

  4. Hoyt, M. A., Wang, A. W-T., Boggero, I. A., Eisenlohr-Moul, T. A., Stanton, A. L., & Segerstrom, S. C. (2020). Emotional approach coping in older adults as predictor of mental and physical health. Psychology & Aging, 35, 591-603

  5. Wang, A. W-T. & Hoyt, M. A. (2020). Cancer-related masculinity threat in young adults with testicular cancer: the moderating role of benefit finding, Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 33, 207-215.

  6. Liu, N-C., Chang, C-S., & Wang, A. W-T.* (2018). Rumination Subtypes and Coping as Pathways to Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Breast Cancer. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 31, 377-400. (篇名: 乳癌患者的反芻類型、因應之中介對憂鬱的關係) Corresponding author*

  7. Wang, F-T., Lin, Y-T., & Wang, A. W-T.* (2018). Discrepancies between Explicit and Implicit Self-Esteem and Their Interaction with Stress in Predicting Depression. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 31, 349-376. (篇名: 外顯自尊與內隱自尊之落差與壓力的交互作用對憂鬱的預測效果) Corresponding author*

  8. Wang, A. W-T., Antoni, M. H., Bouchard, L. C., Gudenkauf, L. M., Jutagir, D. R., Fisher, H. M., Jacobs, J. M., Blomberg, B. B., Diaz, A., Lechner, S. C., Carver, C. S. (2018) Differential psychological effects of cognitive-behavioral stress management among breast cancer patients with high and low initial cancer-specific distress. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 113, 52-57. (Editor’s Choice).

  9. Wang, A. W-T. & Hoyt, M. A. (2018). Benefit finding and diurnal cortisol after prostate cancer: The mediating role of positive affect. Psycho-Oncology, 27(4), 1200-1205.

  10. Hoyt, M. A., Gaffey, A. E., Wang, A. W., Litwin, M. S., & Lawsin, C. J. (2018). Sexual well-being and diurnal cortisol after prostate cancer treatment. Journal of health psychology.

  11. Wang, A. W-T., Chang, S-M., Chang, C-S., Chen, S-T., Chen, D-R., Fan, F, Antoni, M. H., & Hsu, W-Y (2018). Regret about surgical decisions among early-stage breast cancer patients. Psycho-Oncology, 27, 508–514.

  12. Wang, A. W-T., Cheng, C-P., Chang, C-S., Chen, D-R., Chen, S-T., & Hsu, W-Y. (2018). Does the factor structure of the Brief COPE fit different types of traumatic events? A test of measurement invariance. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 34(3), 162-173.

  13. Wang, A. W-T., Chang, C-S., Chen, S-T., Chen, D-R., Fan, F, Carver, C. S., & Hsu, W-Y. (2017). Buffering  and direct effect of posttraumatic growth in predicting distress following breast cancer: A 2-year prospective multiple assessment study. Health Psychology, 36, 549-559.

  14. Tseng, Y-H., Wang, A. W-T.*, Yu, F-Y., Fang, J-T., & Hsu, H-H. (2016). Application of the theory of planned behavior to behavior intention of dialysis modality choice in patients with chronic kidney disease. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 28, 261-287. (篇名:以計畫行為理論探討慢性腎臟病患選擇不同透析治療之意圖)  Corresponding author*

  15. Wang, A. W-T., & Hsu, W-Y. (2015). Apply the tripartite model to the link between non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal risk. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 57, 303-318.

  16. Liu, N-C., Wang, A. W-T., Chang C-H., Chung C-Y., Chan M-Y., Ko Y-H., & Hsu, W-Y. (2015). The examination of clinical validity of the Health, Personality, and Habit Test (HPH). Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 28, 35-68. (篇名:「健康、性格、習慣量表(HPH)」的臨床效度檢驗)1

  17. Wang, A. W-T., Chang, C-S., Chen, D-R., Chen, S-T., & Hsu, W-Y. (2014). Identification of posttraumatic growth trajectories in the first year after a breast cancer surgery. Psycho-Oncology, 23, 1399-1405.

  18. Wang, W-T., Tu, P-C., Liu, T-J., Yeh D-C., & Hsu, W-Y. (2013). Mental adjustment at different phases in breast cancer trajectory: re-examination of factor structure of the Mini-MAC and its correlation with distress. Psycho-Oncology, 22, 768–774.

  19. Wang, W-T., Hsu, W-Y., Chiu, Y-C., & Liang, C-W. (2012). The hierarchical model of social interaction anxiety and depression: the critical roles of fears of evaluation. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26, 215– 224.

  20. Liang, C-W., Hsu, W-Y., Hung, F-C., & Wang, W-T. (2012). Autobiographical memory in social anxiety: Analyses of memory narratives and vividness. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 54, 169-184. (篇名:社會焦慮者的自傳式記憶:敘事內容與記憶清晰度的分析)[1]

  21. Liang, C-W., Hsu, W-Y., Hung, F-C., Wang, W-T., & Lin, C-H. (2011). Absence of a positive bias in social anxiety: the application of a directed forgetting paradigm. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 42, 204-210.

Translated book chapters

Williams, M., Teasdale, J., Segal, Z., & Kabat-Zinn, J. (2010). The mindful way through depression: Freeing yourself from chronic unhappiness (Hsu, W-Y., Liu, N-C., Wang, A. W-T., Liang, C-W., Lin, C-H., & Huang, C-Y. Trans.). Taipei: PsyGarden Press. (Original work published 2007). (中譯: 是情緒糟,不是你很糟:穿透憂鬱的內觀力量)

[1] Publications written in Mandarin.
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